
"This Is Not The Degenerate Whore You're Looking For." Or, Apparently, Yes It Is. It Is The Degenerate Whore We're Looking For. Thank God She's Back!

  Dynamic Management Team: Swordfish, made the decision to hire back Ratty, the single most annoying white girl I've ever had the misfortune to work with*1. This is under the condition that she isn't allowed to drink at work.

  Which seems completely reasonable and utterly enforceable. I'm sure she's changed from her raging, unpredictable, insulting ghetto drunk self, into a retiring flower of womanhood. Ready to be non-cunty and on 100% less drugs.

  Yeah. That seems plausible.

  It's not like we need dancers. We're deluged with the damn things. Can't swing a sick puppy without smacking four of the skinny little critters. It's like 70,000 girls turned 18 yesterday and all decided to be strippers at the same time.

  What I'm trying to say is there's never been a better time NOT TO HIRE BACK A PROBLEM BITCH than right fucking now. We simply do not need any more 'entertainers'. Our business isn't supporting the ones we do have.

  Therefore hiring back Ratty is like deciding a cactus up your asshole is EXACTLY what you need in order to be run a proper business. I realize that this isn't a strong simile, but I'm going with it anyway. They can't ALL be gems...


*1 Outside of Vodzilla, of course.