
I Guess I Need To Update My Wardrobe, I'm Severely Lacking In The Armband And Jackboot Departments. Or, Social Justice At Work: Not Fully Grasping The Situation So Go On The Attack.

  I'm really having a hard time with this militant 'social justice' mindset that seems to be so prevalent today. For instance I was called a "Nazi Sympathizer" today on social media by someone I've known for 30 years because I pointed out how the First Amendment works, i.e.

  Free speech means that anyone can say anything to anybody any time they want. As long as that direct speech doesn't lead to some sort of crime that can be readily attributable to said speech and provable in a court of law, then you can say whatever you want no matter how loathesome, repugnant or erroneous it is.*1 The price of free speech is that it applies to everyone, even scumbags.

  So providing that no felonies stem from what some idiot has to say, he and or she has the right to say it under the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Maybe you've heard of it?

  Maybe you've heard the phrase "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Famously uttered by Evelyn Beatrice Hall. It succinctly sums up the tenet of Free Speech: in order to enjoy the freedom of voicing your opinions without fear of death or imprisonment, you have to allow everyone else the same right, even if they have nothing but horseshit to spew.

   It's as if these SJ types simply can't see the difference between someone defending a racist, anti semitic dogma, or defending a person's constitutional right to vent their racist, anti semitic dogma. These are two VASTLY different things and it should be, I feel, pretty goddamn obvious what the distinction is to anyone with a shred of common sense, or even better, someone who's known me 30 years.

  I have never and would never defend a Nazi's point of view or ideology, to think I would is insulting to me. I will however defend their right to say it until our Constitution is changed to outlaw it.

  Here's a nice analogy for all you SJW types: how would you like it if a Pro Life dumbfuck ran up and punched you in the face because you posted a Pro Choice meme, or spoke at a Pro Choice rally? Would you enjoy that? Would you feel like they should be encouraged to do that to people who think like you do?

  Yeah I didn't think so. But trust me, there is a significant portion of the population here in the good ole USA who'd like to punch your dirty granola-munchin, baby-killing face, you God hating leftist scum.

  I don't share their beliefs either, I've always been of the opinion that it's up to the woman carrying it and maybe the Dad too if he stuck around. I'm a Pro Choice kinda guy. Weird stance for a Nazi Sympathizer I've always thought.

  But if we're gonna let morality into the discussion of who can say what and when they can say it, then we're on a very slippery slope, my friends. While you may hate nazis, you maybe also feel that women should have the right to choose what they can do with their own bodies and someone over there also hates nazis, but is absolutely sure that abortion kills a potential life and is therefore wrong for any reason under the Laws of God. Ergo if this mindset ever attains control over what can be said, sure it will be against the law to openly speak about nazi ideology, but so will openly talking about abortion, women's reproductive rights and anything at all about homosexuality.

  Is that what you want? Does that seem like a good trade off?

  Yeah, didn't think so.

  Who gets to legislate what is acceptable and what isn't? There isn't any fair system available other than unrestricted free speech. If you start letting one group decide for all what is acceptable, pretty soon you're looking at a totalitarian system that looks remarkably like the very Nazi Party that you rail so desperately against online.

  It saddens and aggravates me that someone I like, one of those hallowed few, would just blithely label me a NAZI SYMPATHIZER because I said the doctrine of free speech covers all sorts of heinous shit that he or I don't like. But that's where we're at nowadays. People drunk on the sheer ecstasy of being able to post doctrinal memes all willy nilly on the internet, satisfied with a days good work of changing people's minds, dude, one meme at a time. Making their life philosophies abundantly clear to a mass audience, thereby defining their character for all and themselves to see.

  Validated by their friend base, of course. Tiny jolts of feel good hormones for everyone with every response!

  Hey, if this is something you enjoy, more power to you. For you, it's the pursuit of happiness, which is also constitutionally guaranteed ( the pursuit, not the catching). I one hundred percent support your right to post as many inspiring, ideologically indicative memes per day as you want across as many platforms as you deem necessary as long as you acknowledge my right to ignore them and occasionally comment on them as I feel wont to do.

  Just remember while you're typing your SJW credibility onto the innerwebz, that there are some bridges you don't cross and once you've crossed them you can't go back. I don't get offended easily, it's practically in my job description to get insulted, but that's always coming from some drunk twat I could care less about. Drunk people are like children, you disregard their noise after a while.

  But coming from a longtime friend, so fucking casually and in the face of everything I'd written using such small words, call me surprised at least.

  SO, when we next happen to find ourselves in the same place at the same time, I'm going to hope he has the balls to look me up and either punch me or apologize to me, whatever he feels might offer the better outcome to him.

  I recommend the latter.

Never too old to be surprised,


*1 Take for example the elected official who recently expressed the opinion that the reason sea levels are rising is because rocks keep falling into it, not because large amounts of ice are melting. He has the right to say this no matter how patently ridiculous it is.

  First Fucking Amendment. Learn it. Know it. Love it.