
Tales From The Dark Side: A StripperHerder Halloween Special. Or, The World's Most Haunted Thong Part One: A New Nemesis Arises.

  I used to love Halloween. When I was a fat, poor, hygienically challenged kid, Halloween gave me the opportunity to be something else for a day, a chance to forget for a little while that I sucked at everything. I was a morbidly inclined child to begin with; fascinated by the occult, ghost stories and monsters and I didn't really care what I dressed up as so long as it consisted of simple household items or stuff I could steal.

         Me on Halloween, age 6. I grew up pretty poor so I stole chalk from school to make this costume.

  When I discovered booze in my early teens, Halloween got even better*1.All the girls dressed like whores, the parties were WAY better and I could frequently get away with increased levels of borderline sociopathic shenanigans. It was a win on every level.

  Then I started working in the service industry because I was an idiot and still am as it turns out. The service industry takes everything you enjoy about virtually any holiday and fucking rapes it sideways before burning whatever remains. It's the occupational equivalent of the Mongol Horde, crushing all before it and forcing any pitiable survivors to pay tribute before it wipes its dick off on the curtains and rides away laughing.

  That's almost exactly what working in the bar/strip club field feels like. Thousands of angry, pony riding, mustachioed little warrior dudes shooting all of your patience and goodwill towards your fellow man full of fucking arrows and torching your crops in the bargain.

  Tiny hoofprints. All over your goddamn soul. That's what you get for your efforts.

                When the Service Industry looks over its shoulder on a Thursday, this is what it sees.

  It's a very challenging industry to remain in for extended periods of time without throttling some drunk morons and smashing their asphyxiating bodies against handy walls and doorways. At least it is for someone of my temperament who has warred against the inebriated for as long as I have. Sometimes it feels like my spirit is shit-paper thin and the only thing holding it together are the threads of malice and rancor that have been woven into it over the last twenty or so years.

  This is what the Service Industry can do to one's essence if one is not resilient enough to handle the bombardment of the stupid, the rude and the asshole.

                  ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

  So now that I've explored how the way I make my living is slowly eroding all the joy from my life, let's get on with some genuine Halloween spooky shit.

  There have been some truly odd happenings in my overly long career as a professional ditz wrangler. I honestly believe that several of the clubs I have worked at have been haunted. I don't say things like this lightly because although I believe (kinda) in the premise of ghosts, I think 99.9% of supposed 'paranormal' activity is just idiot people and perception molding itself to expectations and desires.

  Hence, I'll let you be the judge. Here's a brief list of the inexplicable situations I've encountered on the job:

1) Cokergeist

  I was walking through the dressing room at a club several years ago when I thought I heard the sound of footsteps moving rapidly away from me followed by a door slamming. I didn't think much of it at the time because strippers are always going in and out of the dressing room to do stripper stuff: touching up the makeup, powdering the cooch, crying, throwing up in the bathroom or changing outfits. I figured that even though I knew my driven and dedicated dancer workforce would only reluctantly leave the Floor for the most pressing of reasons, that maybe I had caught one fleeing madly to make her stage call.

  It was then that I noticed a line of cocaine*2 spread out on one of the counters. I remember feeling disappointed that one of our wholesome entertainers would stoop so low and moved over to the counter to wipe the offending substance to the floor.

  It was then that I heard my name whispered behind me and felt something move very fast by my face, the lights dimmed as if something vast and shadowy had passed in front of the them. I whirled around to try to glimpse who was fucking with me and when I spun back around to face the counter, the line of coke was gone.

  The room was completely empty and only a fading hint of knock off perfume seemed to hint that I hadn't been alone.

  Needless to say I fled the dressing room immediately.*3


2) Phantom Pasties

  This is an unexplained phenomena that I have experienced countless times at my current club, leading me to believe that this edifice was built over a burial ground of some sort.

  Our dancers are required by law to wear some kind of covering over their nipples since it is a well established fact that the sight of a woman's exposed baby-juice nozzles will throw virtually all males within line of sight into a homicidal rape-frenzy.

  Yet many of these dancers emerge from the private dance room with no nipple coverings at all. When I ask them if they took their nubbin-cozys off so that the customer could suckle on their mom-bags, they vehemently deny it, thus leaving supernatural forces as the only possible explanation as to how them nippys got out into the open air. Obviously the dance rooms are haunted by some kind of tawdry, perverted specter that can't abide hidden milk-taps.

  It's downright eerie...

        "Something keeps ripping it off! Some kind of unseen force doesn't want my nipples covered!"

3) The Haunting of Champagne Room Six

  No one really knows what happened in Champagne Room Six that gave it the palpable aura of fear and discord it generates, but the two leading theories are:

   -In the spring of 1974 a blonde dancer named Maggie gave a customer some head without getting the money up front. When she finished gobbling down his discharge, the man refused to pay and the two began quarreling. The argument soon turned violent and Maggie ended up clubbing the customer to death with a bottle of Rossi Asti Spumante. Legend says it took the entire Floor Staff to subdue her and drag her out of the club where she escaped, stole a car and drove it into a nearby lake. Her body was never recovered.*5

  -The other story is that a former owner of the building, who also ran it as a strip club, used to perform hideous experiments on dancers in Champagne Room Six after the club was closed. The proponents of this dogma state that his intent was to create the perfect stripper from numerous flawed ones and that he ultimately succeeded only to have his creation kill him with a savage lap dance and flee to California to become an early silent film star.

              Most patrons don't sense the atmosphere of sorrow and madness because they are drunk.


        Step Aside Vodzilla, There's A New Cunt In Town.

                            Vodzilla exits club in dramatic fashion, accidentally destroys city.

  I've talked extensively about my greatest foe and the battles we've waged over the years. I'm referring of course to Vodzilla, the Slayer of all that is Right and Dignified. In a sick, twisted way I almost miss her booze fueled travesties and utter contempt for rules and boundaries. She helped provide some sort of malformed context of what I should and shouldn't expect in stripper behavior. Kind of like how you can't truly appreciate a good, dependable car until you're had a rolling turd-wagon that fucks you over and over again.

  That's Vodzilla to a "T". She sets the negative conduct bar that all other strippers get measured by.

  And with her effectively out of my life, there was a yawning void that fate felt compelled to fill.

  Enter Elsie, the Cow of Satan.

                           Elsie enjoys moonlit walks in the pasture and Korean steakhouses.

  I've mentioned Elsie fairly often as she appears to be the heir to Vodzilla's throne. We've fired her twice and she's quit seventeen times and yet she's back again to plague my serenity and to damage the fragile ecosystem that we Floor Guys are the shepherds of. She's a meth fueled logging company tearing a swath of destruction through the primeval forest of my fiscal livelihood.

  Elsie is one of those chunky dancers that truly believes in her heart of hearts that some sort of midriff wrap will effectively disguise her bulbous gut. She is wrong of course but I give her points for at least showing some awareness that there's a problem in that general area.

  Now if she would just do something about her giant, forlorn ass. She has the kind of butt that looks like someone, for no sane reason, decided to fill a set of nylons with cheese curds and Malt-o-Meal. It looks as if it should have cartoon style 'stink lines' radiating out from it at every angle.

                                       It's just hard to believe that it doesn't smell bad.

  Because of her lack of what I call 'attractiveness', Elsie mainly relies on the holy trinity of desperate strippers everywhere: drunk guys, pack tactics and bold faced lying. Her days of solo hunting being long over, Elsie has a small cadre of equally unappealing strippers that she will team up with to baffle, misdirect and fleece customers. They are pack hunters, normally operating in pairs to maximize the confusion they instill in their prey.

  Remember the sad tale of Wee Robby MacFeeble? If not, you can read about it here:

                   Outwitted by two wasted strippers, Robbie returned to the mines a broken man.

  Well Elsie the Crime Cow was one of the two dancers who ripped off that poor, wee lad. The Manager that night, Sir Hardwit d'Strangercide III, yelled at her and her accomplice until Elsie cried and walked out, quitting forever and vowing never to return.....

  ......Until the following Friday as it turned out.

  This illustrates very clearly the pressure the Owner puts on his mismanagement team*4 to maintain an unrealistic and unsustainably high number of entertainers on the club's roster. The reality is that Sir Hardwit would rather put up with Elsie's crime spree and the general field of shabbiness she begets than to have to listen to the Owner scream at him for firing a "valuable" dancer.

  Which is one of the primary conundrums of the titty bar trade as I have oft alluded to.

                                                          Now fuck off.

  And that's it, folks. That's your Halloween Special. I hope it brought you as many chills and thrills reading it as it did me writing it. Scary stuff. Thought provoking and shit.

Happy Samhain,
-The StripperHerder

*1 You can literally use this exact same sentence and insert nearly anything in place of 'Halloween' and it still works.

*2 I'm assuming it was cocaine. In all honesty, it could've been any number of cripplingly addictive pills crushed into a powder.

*3 And kept going back to check that no new lines of coke were left laying around. For safety reasons.

*4 Go Team Commerce!

*5  I tend to believe this theory and I further hypothesize that Maggie drove the car into a lake to fake her own death and then covertly returned to the club where's she's been living in secret ever since, nesting above the suspended ceiling and in the ventilation system.

The StripperHerder Five Year Anniversary Special Extravaganza! Five Years Of Protracted Alcoholism With Some Words And Stuff. Or, America's Newest Sport: Getting Offended By Something!

  It just occurred to me the other day that October marks my fifth anniversary of me starting my uber-awesome and frighteningly popular blog, The Plight of the StripperHerder. The actual date of my first published post was Oct 2nd, 2010, but I forgot and shit so therefore this will have to be close enough. Quite frankly you're all lucky I even managed to even get the month right because I'm not what you'd call an organized person.

  So in honor of my stick-to-itiveness, I though I'd do sort of a retrospective look at my career in the medium paced, quasi-glamorous industry of the Titty Bar.

                                                   My five-year service award

  I have, as I've been told countless times, the greatest job in the world. And while I may have some objections to that title, I will agree that it's not altogether horrible on some nights. After all, I can pay my bills, sorta, by only working 16 hours a week. That's a combination of decent income per hours worked and my incredibly austere lifestyle, which affords no budget for anything but drinking in front of my computer and wanking myself silly to free porn.*1

  My job leaves my all kinds of free time which I happily squander by doing wasteful things such as writing this blog and my other blog, The Dark Lord's Journal, which has yet to really catch on.

  More's the pity.

  So I sat around bored at work tonight and thought about what I'd like my five year contemplation of my chosen field to touch upon. What exactly has the effect of (going on) 15 years in the strip club industry had on my my psyche and my principles, much less my soul?

                                      Angry Buddha say: "Your soul is like yak colon!"

  Ultimately I know that the answers to both those questions is "Who gives a fuck?" and I agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. But untold kajillions of people from all over our humble planet are apparently entertained by my asshole observations about working in a nip shack and I feel obligated to do something special for my 5th Anniversary.

  So here goes. I'm gonna get raw here so please start/continue drinking. There's no judgement here.


The StripperHerder 5th Anniversary Mega-Recollection Special Done Medium Well With Extra Candor, Hold The Bullshit.

See what I did there? Done Medium Well? Implying that this won't be a top notch effort?

That's what keeps folks coming back, subtle humor like that. You're welcome.

Shit I was wrong about over the last 5 years.           

  1) I thought that the owner raising prices to what I considered to be out-of-market rates would sink this club. It turned out that I was wrong and he was right. I was a dumb, stubborn, ignorant cunt and he was (and continues to be) a successful capitalist.

  This is why he has multiple expensive homes and I live in a filthy plaster habitrail situated over a food dispensary.

  I'm a fucking economics idiot and a financial shithead.

                              ...visions of mobile homes danced through his head...

2) I thought we were better than the last club I worked at as far as firing schizophrenic strippers. I was kidding myself based on initial results. Still, even having come to accept this, there are times where I'm still astounded by the level of stupidity it took to bring back some of the worst ones. The Raging Hydes, the Scary Gangsters and the fearsome Gin Harpies.


                                           Two Gin Harpies enjoying their day off.

    The problem I have with this horseshit is that we don't have the same stripper population problem that some of the former clubs I've worked at have had, namely a dearth of quality tail. We have plenty of hot Painted Jezebels to go around at this club. This means that we could fire some chubby, criminal skanks and still have more than enough cooze left over to maintain the show.

  And we DO fire dancers. We fire them for heinous shit and then we hire 93% of them back within a month.

  It's like a game between our management team. The Game of Crones.*2 One Manager will fire a loathesome felon and the other Manager will rehire it, safe in the knowledge that he works day shift and will rarely have to deal with the recurring trainwreck. It's kinda like two large countries that decide to go to war with each other but don't want to mess up their homelands so they mutually agree to hold the war in the small country that separates them.

  The country where the Floor Guys live.

3) Vodzilla is still alive. I know I've mentioned many times that she's probably immortal, but I was just kidding about that. I thought for sure that by now she'd be an interesting burn pattern on an overpass support somewhere or a sad little Facebook obituary/fundraiser.

  But once again, I'm wrong. The crazy Ketelvore is still going strong yet STILL hasn't been hired back at this club. Maybe I'm just going slightly insane in my old age, but sometimes I really miss watching her stagger around, volume stuck on high, while she mimics a highly localized booze tornado. Or the classy way she had of yelling at and assaulting people.

  She may not be one of a kind, but she is definitely the queen of her Character Class.

  Well played, Vodzilla. Well played.

                     November 11, 2013-Vodzilla takes the stage for the final time at the club.

4) I am not kidding you when I say that I have written easily 95% of this blog under the influence of alcohol. I'm not saying I was "drunk" every time that I penned something, but I AM saying that I very rarely penned anything at all without the literary lubricant of liquor.*3

  That being said, I have learned these past five years that I prefer to write amidst a drinking binge alone in my apartment, and that I feel no shame nor regret about it whatsoever. As the years progress I grow more insular and reclusive, like a hermit slob struggling to fill the space around it and doing an admirable job via garbage and weight gain.

                                    Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'road bowl.

Shit I was right about over the last five years.

1) Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm wrong about most everything, all the time. So for God's sake, please don't mistake this blog for an advice column.

  Amurrika's current culture of butthurt and victim mentality.

  It's an interesting time to be alive in the good ole US of A, especially if you enjoy being offended by stuff. You're allowed and even encouraged to be offended these days by pretty much anything that tickles your fancy. Some folks play it like a sport, the more things you can be offended by, the more points you get and the more respect you earn in your "That's Offensive" League.

  I've been over this before in this blog, they're just words people. The only possible way words can hurt you is if you allow them to. It's the only way. Maybe I've developed a thicker skin than some others because of my prolonged deployment in the service industry field and that's why it's nearly impossible to insult or offend me. Part of my job frequently involves taunts and insults. They're normally pretty amusing.

  To illustrate my point, here is a list of things which I could be all butthurt by, yet am not:

-I lived in a mobile home for 10 years. Did I ever get annoyed or hurt by someone saying 'trailer trash' or making trailer park jokes? Nope. Never occurred to me to be bothered by that.

-I'm quite overweight at this point in my life and except for a few years in my late teens/early twenties, have always had problems with my weight. Do I get offended by 'fat' jokes or images? Nope. Why? It's my own fault. I eat too much and exercise too little and that's all on me. Getting offended by fat jokes would only be displacing my shame and embarrassment onto the source of the ridicule rather than owning the problem in the first place.

-People in my family tend to go senile before they die. So I should be offended when someone makes statements that include "crazy, senile, alzheimer's, batty, or loony", right? If so, I'm going to be very busy being all offended for the rest of my life...

-I have no allergies that I'm aware of, but if I did I find it very hard to believe that it would upset me if my allergy were to be featured in a comic, meme or statement as a source of amusement for others. I might roll my eyes, think to myself "assholes" and then move on with my life, completely unbutthurt in any way.

                                       I knew I shouldn't have eaten those peanuts...

 People need to get the fuck over themselves. There's seven billion humans littering this Earth and none of us are special in any way no matter what Mommy and Daddy told us. If you desire to live your life in a perpetual state of anxiety and agitation, that's totally up to you, but leave me out of it, thanks.

  What I really don't like is when a person makes it part of their agenda to impose their value system on me. I will write about, talk about and post about any topic I choose to whether it's offensive to people or not. Just as I have the right to do this, any person with the ability to read/hear what I'm saying has the equal right to fucking ignore me.

  Yet this would be missing an opportunity to get their hackles all up and a chance to step forward and champion the cause of gluten freedom, or being nice to carrots, or not saying 'dummy' or whatever it is they're upset about this week.

   So that's what I piled up nicely for you all and labelled as a 'Five Year Anniversary Special'. I hope you're as disappointed in it as I am because it took me a long time to write it. This is a prime example of the kind of rigid standards that I routinely fail to achieve.

  Keepin it rare,
-The StripperHerder

*1  And since I sop the shame puddle with a sock, my Kleenex budget is negligible.

*2 The Games of Crones: When two or more Management Lords fight a war for supremacy using the club as their battleground and deranged strippers as the weapons of choice. I know many of the Management Class that have perished in this fashion and it's never a pretty or glorious way to die.

*3 which is literally alliterative. 

The StripperHerder Guide To Titty Bar Denizens. Or, Flat As A Wall And Twice As Dumb.

  I'd like to start this installment by thanking all those patrons of strip clubs that actually buy dances and champagne rooms. All of you who make it possible for the other 65-75% of the worthless assholes who plague clubs everywhere to enjoy looking at their (nearly) free boobies and ass.

  Girls aren't going to strip for free.

  OK, some of them will and do, but those kind are generally the ones you don't want to look at in any state of undress. The kind of degenerate skanks that will rip off their top because someone asked them to, or offered them a hit of smack. Basically the kind of ugly, tatted up rags that go to Insane Clown Posse shows and run around with their sad, lackluster mams swaying about unpredictably.

                                      Aren't there ICP blankets you could be wearing?

  No one with any sense of pride or decorum wants to see that.

  So thank you, strip club spenders. By providing hot chicks with a living, you're enabling boob shacks to exist, which benefits all the other broke scumbags out there who need spank material for their incredibly pathetic lives.

                                               "These whores are on me!"

  This opening allows me segue seamlessly into "identifying strip club denizens, a useful guide to sad, fucked up people."

  Let's open this stinking can of abject human garbage and see what there is to see...

-Sad Lonely Old Man Mk 1: SLOM's are pitiable creatures. They have nothing and nobody in their lives and rather than sit alone in their dens and watch death incrementally creep up on them, they feel an obsessive need to be around other people, preferably hot young women.

  These poor bastards just want to talk to someone, really. Many of them never even see the inside of a strip club or witness a shaved pooty because they can talk to and be around an attractive younger woman by going to a local watering hole. It's the interaction itself, not the context thereof that they are interested in.

  Any chick'll do. It wards off the crushing sense of impending oblivion and ball-rot that so many of them feel.

             "Set me up another round lassie and I'll tell you about how I warred against the English."

-Sad Lonely Old Man Mk 2: The Mark II version of a SLOM operates exclusively in strip clubs. Merely annoying and depressing a local bartender isn't enough for them anymore, they've moved beyond that.

  But they still don't go to clubs seeking sexual contact with these women, that's the mission of a DROP, whom we'll meet below. No, SLOM 2's crave close proximity with young dancers but deep inside some part of them realizes the inherent creepiness and vulgarity of a 20 year old girl sexing it up with a 70 year old man and as such, they just like to be around unhaggard, pretty women because it makes them feel young again.

  Still pretty sad in my opinion. Read a fucking book, dude.

-Dirty Repulsive Old Pervert: DROP's are the herpes of strip clubs. You can't get rid of them. Even when they die, three other new ones rise up to take their place. Like a titty club hydra.

                                    "That's right darlin. Take them knickers off for Daddy."

DROPs' sole purpose is to molest and bang as many girls young enough to be their granddaughters as they possibly can for as little money as they can get away with. They're not choosy about looks, body, personality or hygiene, they just want sexual contact for fixed-income prices. Most of these guys would just as happily haunt playgrounds and rape random schoolchildren if they thought they could get away with it and strip clubs inhabited by needy, legal aged drug addicts in thongs offer up the next best thing.

The DROP Mk 1: This old codger has simple needs, just let him finger your ass a bit or suck a titty while you grind on him through his pants and he will dump a load in short order. His Depends will catch his dribbly shame and he will leave the club with a leer and go home to watch Matlock reruns or shit about World War II, satisfied with his day.

                                                    "Make my thumb stink, whore."

The DROP Mk 2: The DROP 2.0 can't get off from grinding and enjoys having strippers molest him for money until he's ready to go home and assail his wobbly grey member with a variety of simple household appliances.

                    "Three dances is enough. Now to get home to my garlic press and Dirt Devil."

The DROP Mk 3: Takes his creepy dick out 22 seconds into a dance. It's like a slug in a worn tactical vest, clammy yet ready for engagement and slimy on one end.

                                  26 seconds into 'Any Way You Want It' By Journey.

The SAW: Socially Awkward Weenies are those poor fuckers that nature granted no obvious gifts to. They're not good looking, they're not built like a Roman God, they're not clever enough to have made millions of dollars off of something, they're not good liars, they're uncomfortable as hell around the opposite sex.

  The absolute pinnacle of carnal interaction they can hope for is to cream their Star Wars boxers during a lap dance and go home and continue their assault on the Lair of the Hell Witch Dragon.

  To be continued. Thought I'd put a salt lick out for yinz fuckers.

  If you feel cheated and mislead by the title or content of the installment, I humbly suggest you go fuck yourself with a dirty barbecue fork. I work hard for you cunts.

Your Most Embarrassing Uncle,
Mr. Herdy

A StripperHerder Investigative Report: The World's Most Dangerous Stripper Gangs. Or, If I Didn't Have To Go To Work This Post Would Be Much Longer.

Stripper gangs are a facet of the titty bar reality you seldom hear about. Your average gentleman's club wants to portray a facade of 'good ole fashioned naughty fun'. They like words such as bawdy, sexy, playful and seductive to describe their club experience.

  Nowhere in their lexicon will you finds words like disturbing, criminal, cock snargling or stab wounds.

                                 "Would you like a dance? No? Gimme yer fuckin wallet!"

  So while most clubs realize they have a stripper gang presence, if not outright problem, they obviously don't want anyone else, like you, to know about it. Therefore it's taboo to speak of it, which is exactly why I'm about to do just that.

  Stripper gangs run the gamut in influence within the strip club ecosystem, ranging everywhere from 'merely annoying' to 'run the whole fucking show'. If you're unfortunate enough to work in one where the gangs run things, which I have done more than once, then you are a sorry bastard indeed and will be very lucky to escape with your life and ballsack intact.

  I know what you're thinking, "how can strippers run anything? They're small, drunk and on more drugs than a rest home population." Well some of them don't let that stop them, and not all of them are small and drunk. Every club I've worked in has had enforcer strippers and they can be truly frightening.

  Mostly I don't concern myself too much with it. For a Floor Moose of my proportions, a pack of dancers aren't much more of a threat than a group of wasted 8 year olds, all slappy and ineffective. But that being said there are some wildly dangerous stripper gangs out there which any sensible Floor Guy must respect if not fear.

  What's that you say? You sense a famous StripperHerder list coming up?

  Well aren't you just an astute motherfucker?

            The World's Most Dangerous Stripper Gangs:

1) PMS13: Hands down the most violent, hostile and criminal stripper gang ever to ruin a titty bar. Composed primarily of latino girls, PMS13 will cut you cabrone heart out, yo, because they are muy loco, pendajo!

  I don't know what it is about this demographic, but most of the grisly locker room slayings I've had to clean up in my career were the result of some dumb bitch getting 'cut out' by one or more hispanic dancers. The Consuela*1 green lighted a hit on her for poaching customers, selling coke on their turf or for wearing the wrong color thong. Most of these murders are never solved because we don't care enough to investigate.

                           Don't let her sweet looks fool you. She'll cut you. Oh yes she will.

2) Wist Cide Barbies: The gang with the most rigorous vetting program of all the Stripper gangs, one can only become a full fledged member if they're ridiculously blond and extremely hot. Brunettes and redheads can never be anything more than Associates, they'll never be 'made' Barbies.

  The Barbies may not be the brightest bulb of the titty-gang christmas tree, but what they lack in thinky-power, they make up for in sheer blondness and the madness it inspires in many men. In a lot of clubs the Barbies dominate the economy despite the fact that they can't spell 'economy' without using a 'K' and three 'E's'.

  This is Amurrika after all, intelligence, or lack of it, has never been an obstacle to success.

          They think California is a country and wear panties that lie. You'd still give them your money.

3) The Desolation Molly's: This is a relatively new gang on the scene but are quickly making a name for themselves by duking it out with anyone who thinks they're hard enoof. Molly's always have red hair. It may be natural or it may be the result of inadvisable cocktail of chemicals and dyes, but it's always lurid.

  Molly's always have tattoos as well. Their flesh looks the the sides of ghetto beverage stores, seemingly painted at random by roving groups of disaffected future criminals. Reading a Molly's rib tats will often bring a sense of sorrow upon the reader because of the misplaced optimism scrawled there.

                        A Desolation Molly preparing to whomp a rival stripper with a chair leg.

4) The MAMmoths: Doesn't matter if your nipples point at your toenails or, improbably, at the heavens, as long as your milk panzers are wildly oversized, you have a home with the MAMmoths. This gang is the natural enemy of Waifs everywhere and can frequently be found crushing some poor 80 lb dancer to death beneath their TITanic chest-weaponry .

  The majority of the MAMmoths membership are 'older gals' who keep upsizing their implants whenever the drug budget allows. Many of them have wheelbarrows or titanium training legs to support their unnaturally huge lactose tankers.

                     Despite her small breast size, Beverly still rules the local MAMmoth  chapter.

5) The Match Waifs: The average 'Waif' weighs maybe 90 lbs when she's retaining water and has just had a large pasta dinner. They're tiny, skinny, small breasted and have no real ass to speak of. They draw their name from Victorian era preteen match girls who worked the filthy streets of London in the 1890's; starving and often murdered.

  We have a large Match Waif presence at my club, probably 8-10 of them. Combined weight, after feasting on a chicken tender, about 180 lbs.

                                   Rare daytime pic of a Match Waif looking for crimes to commit.

  There are literally dozens of other stripper gangs I could address in this installment, but I have to go to work because you people won't pay me for writing this blog. Think about that when the all-too-brief pleasure of this short post runs out.

  You fuckin think about that.

-The StripperHerder

*1 Consuela: The local leader of a PMS13 chapter.