Over the next....little while, I'll be going through my archives and republishing some posts I had taken down for one reason or another, usually because they were hyper critical of Dynamic Management Team: Laser Falcon™.
But seeing as this is no longer a concern for me, let's put em back up, shall we?
Now as I repost these, they will appear chronologically by the date they were originally posted, not conveniently at the top of the blog. Ergo, you might have to breeze through the archives to find them. Shouldn't be too hard, there's a lot of them.
As to new posts, well don't hold your breath. I'm not saying I'll never get around to finishing up some drafts, god knows I have plenty of half complete crap in my Draft files, but I've moved on to other things and am devoting whatever energy I can muster towards them.
It felt like this blog had sort of run its course before I stopped working in the industry, now I'm sure of it. I had a good run, it would've been 9 years on Oct 2, and maybe I'll try to put a little something-something up for that.
No promises, kids.
But I would like to say thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much or more as I did writing it.
Feel free to check out my other even less content containing blog, Dark Lord's Journal for more of my brand of lazy, evil-leaning humor.
Retired Stripper-Herder
-The StripperHerder.