
Damn, Italy Is Killing It! Or A Brand New Post For My Emerging Italian Readership.

  I don't know where it's coming from or what sparked it, but Italy is far and away my new hotbed of readership. In fact, in a mere 550 more page views, Italy will surpass Germany as the fourth highest 'Herder fan base by country. Considering that less than a year ago it was somewhere around 18th or 19th, call me fucking impressed.

  So I thought I'd do something special to mark the imminent usurpation of Germany's stranglehold on fourth place. In other words I'm going to post some honest to goodness NEW MATERIAL, something I've been holding off on doing for a while.

  The original title of this installment draft was:

  A Very Rare And Collectible Political Post From The World's 7,854th Favorite Blogger. Or, Probably The Most Unpopular Post I'll Ever Write. What Can I Say, I'M A MONSTER. 

   I have modified the title to acknowledge this current trend. Be warned, dear reader, that this post will contain fuck-all about titties, the misery or joy a stripper can bring to your life or any of the drunken dicksnatchery that I have to put up with on a daily basis. I'm gonna talk about some very real monkey-dung happening in my home country at the moment and if it's not your thing, not the reason you read this blog, then please skip ahead or behind to find material more to your liking.


  Let's talk about Amurrika's impending Second Civil War for a moment, shall we? Because we are very clearly well on our way toward it.

  Now I'm not a flag wavin, Trump lovin, immigrant-hatin-isolationist right wing sorta guy. Nor am I a recreational outrage embracin, social-justice-snowflake-anitfa-fuckwit either. I think of myself as the calm nougatty center of an increasingly polarized nation. A 'big picture' kinda dude who's old enough to remember silly, outdated concepts such as:

1) We're all on the same team

2Throughout the history of our country, compromise has always been one of our strengths, not an indicator of defeat for one party or another. In a perfect compromise, both parties should squawk a lot about having got the short end of the stick, while quietly congratulating themselves on a victorious outcome. In short, reaching a compromise on an issue to get it moving forward may favor one side above the other over the short term, but generally it all equals out in the long run if our two parties are willing to give as well as take.

  But refusing to find a way to compromise at all, screws everyone and makes America look weak, stupid, trivial and divided.

3The entrenched two party system we have here is clearly failing us, as a nation. The fact that either party is willing to use government shutdowns to achieve it's political ends should be appalling, shocking and humiliating to anyone who lives here, yet we keep voting for these same cunts over and over. Because you know, there aren't any other choices besides A or B, right?*1

  One of the main problems with a 'no compromise, the other side is the enemy rather than the opponent' mentality is that it clouds people's judgement to the point where they lie about their true opinion on a subject. Or actually talk themselves into believing in things that aren't true, or denying things that are clearly true because it panders to a certain voter base or the party line.

  Climate Change is the most convenient example of this "party mentality" I can readily think of. The simplest possible extrapolation from this subject is that supporters of Climate Change, in Amurrika, are generally left/liberal while deniers are far more likely to be right/conservative. This is an oversimplification of course, but when it comes to groups of humans over 10 in number, everything is an oversimplification.

   To me, if you don't believe climate change is happening then you either:

1) Have your head up your ass where the temperature and humidity are constant

2) Live somewhere not noticeably affected yet, like a place that doesn't really have seasons per se.

3) Are under the age of maybe 30 and therefore don't remember the 70's and 80's when there were predictable seasons and relative seasonal norms with an occasional 'freak' weather event.

  That being said, how much is naturally occurring and how much is because of mankind I'll leave you all to debate among yourselves because I find it irrelevant as long as you accept that "somethin funny's goin on with global weather patterns, yo."

  Which brings me to Conservation and Sustainability. I vaguely support both these notions, but I laugh behind my hand at them because everyone likes to gabble about the topics endlessly, yet no one has the balls to mention that without some sort of population control, none of it really means squat in terms of much more than a decade.

  Here's why you never really hear about it:

  The words 'Population Control' have very ugly connotations for many people. They hear those words and all of a sudden they instantly envision death camps and forced sterilizations. Dictators, ethnic cleansing and all other kinds of assorted nastiness. And maybe they're right, that maybe the only way to make some folks stop having ridiculous amounts of offspring is to legally enforce it and this of course brings all kinds moral and ethical conundrums into play.

  Like many of the problems facing global society today, I blame this on organized religion and increasingly, social media. The fact that anyone can think that somehow taking steps to prevent an unnecessary (and frequently ill advised) pregnancy is a Sin and somehow makes you a terrible person, is an example of mind control at it's absolute pinnacle.

  Yes, The Omnipotent Sky-Robe Smitey-Giant is very keen on you having as many children as your poor wife's battered uterus can successfully squeeze to life, even if you can't feed them and a bunch of them die.

  For a truly pious person, a fifty percent child mortality rate should be viewed as miraculous, a sign the Holy Heavenly-Beard Thingy approves of your ceaseless, uncalculated breeding. Hell, 8 out of 19 ain't bad....

  I don't have any answers for how to achieve any sort of progenous*2 curtailment. All I'm doing is merely pointing out that the Earth's human population is already straining the planet's resources and it's only gonna get worse and it's gonna get worse fast.

  Uncharacteristically for me, I'm gonna toss some stats at you and actually cite my sources because I feel like sometimes I just make shit up and that by now many of my more clever readers will have figured that out.'s taken the entirety of mankind's existence from whenever we clambered out of the trees and decided we liked the ground better, to the year (roughly) 1804 for the human population of the planet to reach one billion people. It took 123 years to add the second billion, 23 years to add the third, 15 for the fourth and 12 for the fifth......see a pattern?*3


 There are currently, at best guess, somewhere around 7.6 billion humans, all of which are somehow special and deserve a trophy because they survived being squeezed out of their Mother's baby-kiln

  Now assuming there isn't some extinction level event or extremely virulent pathogen that wipes out major portions of our populace, the projections on population growth are alarming and, I think, aggressively conservative.*4

  I'm not going to go any further into it because there are large variations in these projections from opinion to opinion. But my whole reason for bringing it up is that while everyone likes to talk conservation and sustainability, no one ever mentions population control, without which all of our solutions and advancements are all just plugging fingers into dykes and hoping we don't run out of fingers.

  In summary, it'll be interesting to watch Amurrika tear itself to pieces for the global market. Should be a media feeding frenzy, maybe even a Mini Series on HBO!

  Be nice if everyone could pluck their heads from their arseholes, blow the shit-plugs from their mouths and nostrils and just agree to try to do something that benefited the majority of mankind for fucking once. Just to mark a calender.

   Fuck. There you have it loyal HerderHeads and my surging Italian blogovorai. A signature StripperHerder abrupt ending. Just like it was written by someone who'd had too much booze and was looking for a way out.

  Found It,
 -The StripperHerder

*1 I realize that on many levels and in many areas, there probably really isn't a choice beyond A or B. Democrat or Republican. Doesn't mean we can't vote third party when given the opportunity and we can easily start at the top and work our way downward. A third party President would have to be, by default, a great compromiser. A modern day Henry Clay.

  Or, more likely, just have a worthless, obstinate Congress refuse to do anything and shit on any attempt by an Enemy Executive to get anything positive done in this country. Personally I don't let this scare me off and neither should anyone else. What better way to send a "I'm not happy" message than voting in a 3rd party candidate?

*2 Progenous: Not a real word. I just made it up to describe people of pro-breeding ideologies


  There were any numbers of sources that provide roughly the same info, but I like their projection chart because of the multiple estimates provided.

*4 I'm certainly not a mathematician nor an anthropologist or any sort of person qualified in any way to venture an opinion on this, but given a lack of an ELE and taking into account medical advances and longer lifespans, I believe that we could easily reach 10 billion people by 2030.